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Converters on Float-over-Barge Pioneered for Dutch National Grid

This is an example of the innovative work undertaken by Heerema Marine Contractors for Tennet, the Dutch equivalent of National Grid. This is the future. A technology revolution...


Today, National Grid's Ben Wilson, President of National Grid Ventures confirmed that if the project proceeds, Nautilus would connect at the Isle of Grain, Kent - READ the...

Starmer Stamps on Regulators – Reassures his New Friends Iberdrola and Big Business

On 13 October, Starmer singled out just one project in his rallying speech to global investors.   It was ScottishPower’s EA2, costing £4billion, generating 1GW clean energy and...

National Grid Awarded £870k to Explore New Offshore Solutions

SEAS welcomes the news that National Grid has been awarded these monies to explore the benefits of superconducting cables and offshore islands/ platforms. Offshore grid...

Open Letter to Chris Stark and Fintan Slye

Offshore4sure has written an open letter 'The faster, more cost-efficient way to Net Zero', to Chris Stark who is heading up the Government's Mission Control 2030 and Fintan Slye...

SEAS Response to Ofgem Consultation

​ SEAS recently responded to Ofgem's Regional Energy Strategic Plan policy framework consultation. We stressed the importance of spatial energy strategy planning and that it...

BBC Radio 4 Today Programme Interview

Great coverage for SEAS today with Fiona Gilmore interviewed by Nick Robinson on BBC RADIO 4's TODAY programme. Fiona spoke about the better 'Offshore Grid' solutions available...

‘With One Voice’ Aldeburgh Beach Rally was a HUGE SUCCESS!

On the 1st of September an amazing c. 500 strong group of supporters gathered together beside the Scallop on Aldeburgh Beach for our Offshore4sure 'With Once Voice' Beach Rally. ...

Michael Shanks Scraps OCSS

“This announcement from the Minister for Energy scrapping the OCSS is not necessarily bad news.” SEAS suspected that this award made by the OCSS was a way to halt sensible pilot...

SEAS Response to Ofgem Consultation re Accelerated Funding & Approval Framework

We have been bombarded with developer and Ofgem consultations recently including this 'Consultation on the proposed regulatory funding and approval framework for onshore...

Supporter Email Exchange With Ofgem re Nautilus Consultation

One of our supporters recently had an interesting exchange with an 'Engagement Analyst' at Ofgem, who replies to some emails on behalf of Ofgem's CEO Jonathan Brearley. See the...

SEAS Response to Ofgem’s Nautilus Consultation

Nautilus has changed plans deciding to come to Friston after all, and Ofgem has held a consultation on these changes for which we had to submit our views by 15 August. The...

SEAS Response to Sea Link Additional Consultation

In Newsletter 149 we introduced the changes that NGET are proposing in the Sea Link Project Update and we advised supporters of how to submit guidance and the points to focus on...

Positive Press About Offshore Grids

Some great news coverage recently signalling the benefits of offshore grids and offshore platforms & energy islands. Sir Kier Starmer has said it doesn't matter where good...

SEAS Open Letter to the Press

See SEAS Open Letter to the Press and key Organisations reproduced here below: Britain’s Winning Strategy for Energy Infrastructure 2025 to 2050 An open letter calling for...

Energy Election Hustings 9 June

To a packed house of 280 local residents, Bishop Martin chaired the Energy Election Hustings Q&A session with good humour and grace. The four political candidates...

New Report ‘Greening the Great Grid Upgrade’

Concerns about a lack of well-thought-through policies and joined-up thinking about National Grid’s Great Grid Upgrade have prompted the Suffolk Preservation Society (SPS) to...

Westminster Hall Debate on Pylons & Upgrades to the National Grid

The debate was called by Matt Warman MP (Conservative, Boston and Skegness)   WATCH the excellent speeches by Wera Hobhouse HERE and by Therese Coffey HERE   Key Points: There is...

National Grid hypocrisy over subsea HVDC cables for offshore solutions

National Grid are using subsea HVDC cables on multiple projects, making claims this technology is too expensive a nonsense. National Grid has multiple projects in the pipeline...

Therese Coffey speaks out: “my constituents have been shafted”.

Therese Coffey has been busy on our behalf. On 29 March, Suffolk Coastal's MP spoke with forthright candour to the Delegated Legislation Committee, which was considering the...

Ofgem’s vision for a future transmission network could be a meshed offshore grid

Good news. On 1 March 2024, Ofgem published a very important report recommending a future transmission network design resembling a meshed offshore grid. It was called: “Initial...

SEAS Response to the LionLink EIA Scoping Document

SEAS analysed LionLink’s massive Environmental Impact Scoping Report, and sent its formal response objecting on four counts:1) Roads and Traffic2) Tourism and Hospitality3)...

ITV Anglia 4 April – Hornsea 3 wind farm cables ploughing through 35 miles of Norfolk countryside

The onshore infrastructure for Hornsea 3, a 3gw offshore windfarm (the largest in the world) being built by Danish developer Orsted, involves 35miles of cable trenches ploughing...

Judicial Review Appeal Decision

⚠️⚠️ On Friday 22nd, THE JUDGMENT was handed down from the COURT of APPEAL, and we are SORRY to SHARE the NEWS that it went AGAINST Suffolk Energy Action Solutions. We will need...

EADT: Friston suffering ‘disproportionate harm’ councillors say

SEAS protested against unnecessary National Grid onshore infrastructure outside Suffolk County Council's Endeavour House office on Thursday 21 March ahead of their meeting. The...

SEAS on Politics East – East Anglia Study Publication

Great BBC article on their website and Politics East covered the publication of National Grid ESO's East Anglia Study Results, with SEAS Fiona Gilmore, Therese Coffey and Clive...

Exploding The Myths

EXPLODING THE MYTHS National Grid’s propaganda asserts the following claims. SEAS supporters should challenge their assertions. “Offshore solutions are not straightforward for...

Wake Up National Grid You Are Out Of Date

Last week, we were assailed with devastating news regarding LionLink’s plans:LionLink’s Non-Statutory Consultation documents, confirmed proposals for ANOTHER HUGE 26 m HIGH...

ITV Anglia featuring SEAS – LionLink decides preferred landfall sites at Southwold or Walberswick

See ITV Anglia's extended piece on LionLink's proposed landfall sites and its impact on the Suffolk Coast. National Grid has revealed the preferred landfall sites and cabling...

LionLink proposed landfall sites revealed.

National Grid has revealed the preferred landfall sites and cabling routes for the LionLink interconnector between Holland and the UK, with proposed landfall at Southwold or...

SEAS Meeting with Suffolk County Council

On 7 February there was a SEAS Meeting with Suffolk County Council, about SCC's unsatisfactory response to the Sealink consultation and the recent National Grid ESO East Anglia...

Ralph Fiennes on Sunday with Laura Kuennsberg

Wasn't it great to see Ralph Fiennes on Sunday with Laura Kuennsberg 11 February, in such eloquent and passionate form, what a terrific champion and knowledgeable advocate for...

SEAS on BBC Radio 4 with Evan Davis

Fiona Gilmore gets great balanced coverage + a poor response from National Grid.

Campaigners launch petition and film to counter National Grid’s Suffolk ‘energy hub’

Campaign group Suffolk Energy Action Solutions (SEAS) has launched a national petition and short documentary 'Coast' starring Ralph Fiennes to stop National Grid's infrastructure...

East Anglia Bylines Ralph Fiennes Article

Suffolk coast is under siege by National Grid NG's destructive infrastructure plans sparks a national petition and a powerful film 'Coast' appeal. Suffolk’s coastline, a haven of...

SEAS launch Petition along with Ralph Fiennes Film ‘Coast’

Please sign and share our National Petition! Alongside it is a brilliant new film 'COAST' made for SEAS by Ralph Fiennes and Director Charles Sturridge, with many film crew and...

EADT – National Grid ESO considers study on SEAS proposals

SEAS Fiona Gilmore believes National Grid ESO will carry out a 'comparative study' into bringing the cables onshore at Bradwell-on-Sea in Essex VS a new substation at Friston.

BBC Article re SeaLink – SEAS quoted

Consultation on Suffolk-Kent Sea Link project ends after 1k responses. SEAS David McKenna says, "..the problem is over a number of decades the government has effectively...

SEAS Response to SeaLink Consultation

SEAS sent a detailed response to SeaLink about their recent Statutory Consultation, pushing back against their unsatisfactory consultation and misguided plans

SEAS in EADT – Concerns OCSS wind farm funding will ‘end Suffolk oasis’

Fiona Gilmore gets great balanced coverage + a poor response from National Grid.

ESNZ Commons Committee – ‘A flexible grid for the future’ with Fiona Gilmore

Examining how to reform the planning system to support the delivery of renewable energy generation, and what needs to be done to ensure the UK has the infrastructure it needs to...

UK’s bid for net zero in the balance due to grid ‘blind spot’

“....why ride roughshod over all the environmental protections in place for this area when there are alternative routes?” David Riches, WALL

EADT Therese Coffey at SEAS meeting, ‘unleashed’ by resignation

Suffolk Coastal MP Therese Coffey told a SEAS campaigners' meeting she has been 'unleashed' to help community groups fighting plans to route electricity cables through the...

URGENT PUBLIC MEETING – Saxmundham’s Energy Projects

National Grid's plans to site 3 Converter Stations on the East side of Sax. SEAS Fiona Gilmore will present the offshore alternative to industrialising Suffolk Coastal.

Sealink- BBC ‘Suffolk residents concerned about Sea Link cable project’

National Grid is planning Sealink a 90-mile (145km) project connecting Friston and Richborough in Kent, including connection points on land, to take excess energy out of Suffolk...

BBC Radio Suffolk – Aldeburgh: The Sea Link proposals

Interviews from the Sealink public consultation - featuring SEAS David McKenna

SEAS Response to LionLink Supplementary Non-Statutory Consultation

SEAS Response to LionLink Supplementary Non-Statutory Consultation

New York Times article featuring SEAS

'Green Energy Casts a Shadow Over a Cherished English Landscape' - Stanley Read visited East Anglia, writing about how "residents of East Anglia fear that planned power lines for...

BBC Look East – Latest Energy News

Prime Minister Richi Sunak struggles to justify current plans for onshore wind infrastructure and nuclear.

Great Libby Purves Time Article

Lack of energy plan risks panic-bulldozing - It’s time Government laid out what infrastructure is needed where, or we will rush into destroying our countryside